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Author Topic: NBEF Treestand Safety Instructor's Course  (Read 222 times)

Offline JAG

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NBEF Treestand Safety Instructor's Course
« on: September 25, 2010, 11:12:00 PM »
Just got in from the NBEF Treestand Safety Instructor's Course.
It was the first one taught in Alabama.
I've been doing this for 20 plus years, and I LEARNED A LOT!

John Louk, Executive Director for the Treestand Manufactures Assn, and L.J. Smith an Investigator for Treestand Incidents, taught the course. They were very experienced and were able to convey the importance for Treestand Safety. They told us how the TMA developed a system for testing Treestands and Harnesses, and other thing associated with treestand hunting. TMA doesn’t do the testing, rather Independent Labs do that. To be listed with the TMA Logo each manufacturer must have their product tested. Its real simple, if it does not have a TMA sticker, don’t purchase or use it!

It was one of the BEST Courses, that I have ever been able to attend.
We were taught about different types of stands, pros and cons for each. Taught how to safely install and remove each.

Have you ever suspended yourself from your Fall Arrest System/Full Body Harness? It is an experience you need to have BEFORE you fall! Only do this when you have a compentent adult, perferably an Instructor for the Treestand Safety Course, present.

We were taught about Suspension Trauma, how to use a suspension relief device, how to use Relief, recovery and Rescue. What do you do after a fall and you’re hanging by your Full Body Harness? How do you survive the Suspension Trauma, How do you get back in your stand, or safely to the ground?

We learned all of this and how to relay it to future students. We all got to be suspended from the Full Body Harnesses, use a Suspension Device, and return to the stand while hanging there. We will do this for all students, so they can get a feel for what’s happening and be prepared to do the correct procedures and not panic, if this were to happen.

If you get a chance to attend one of these courses, please do so.

Be Safe this Season!
IBEP - Chairman Alabama
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