If as you say, "I was just arguing to sharpen his and my own debate skills." Guess what?? You just lost!! You let someone push your buttons, and you blew your cool! Blowing up, getting personal, and losing your cool doesn't help you provide a positive view of your side of the discussion. It doesn't matter whether it's during a debate team exercise, a talk with the local tree hugger, the vegan down the street, or the ultra modern hunter, as soon as you get red faced, loud, or very defensive-they've got you.
Flint has killed more animals (and humans) than all types of commercially made broadheads combined!! Obsidian is one of the sharpest materials known, surpassing even a surgical scalpel. The placement of the point is more important than the material it's made from. A well placed shot kills quickly. A poorly placed shot is a slow death-almost inhumane-whether stone, fixed blade, or expandable.