Wolves were running these woods long before a human ever hunted them with a bow, or grazed his cattle and sheep there.
Ranching in wolf country needs a pro active approach with smaller herds and flocks in pens and sheds - like the days of old.
Just because they acted like wolves - scenting, scouting, stalking, doesn't mean they intended to attack.
I think there are a lot more BAD people that I come in to contact with than BAD wolves.
I hunt, fish, camp climb and ski in wolf country and don't carry a firearm unless I'm hunting with it.
I value not being top predator and to be humbled in the mountains. Otherwise nature will become a controlled environment. And I'll shoot myself at that point.
I respect and admire the wolf as much the deer and elk I hunt. If you've ever had a northern bread dog (husky, malamute, etc) you'd revere the wolf too. They are highly intelligent and the "pack" is actually a family.
Would I defend myself or another if attacked? Absolutely, to the death.