That is both horrible and typical at the same time. Ive lived in several midwestern states and have seen this sort of vandalism and disrespect of public facilities far too often. Shame is Ive even been questioned by other outdoor enthusiast when theyve seen me picking up trash at a boat landing or at the rifle range. Why bother seems to be the the most often spoken comment. Its not just the people who do this sort of vandalism but the people who turn an apethectic eye towards it that bother me. These are OUR areas and if we enjoy them we need to be better care takers. The first bit of trash seems quite harmless, the first bullet hole in the dumpster seems insignificant but with every new piece of trash or bullet hole or pushed over post the place loses its value. People come and assume no one cares for these areas, they reason that it doesnt hurt anyone in particular as no single person owns this equipment. The real shame is eventually it becomes impossible to justify cleaning it back up, rebuilding broken equipement, replacing things that are willfully destroyed and the final answer is always the same... We just had to close it down.
Ive seen all sorts at these kinds of public facilities, you just never know who is the disrespectful nimrod who doesnt give a rip about having a nice range or picnic spot. Ive seen guys shoot the poles holding targets at a gun range till I approached them. It didnt make me popular by any means but at least I felt I had done something and if they continued at least I could call the law. I have long since quit questioning who might have done things like throwing a picnic table in the lake or why all the trash cans and tables are chained to trees in a park, I just do what I can when I visit to make it a better place and hope that other people will do the same.
It is truly shameful what some people will do to OUR property.