Well, though I am no expert have harvested a few with my bow, one just last week matter of fact. there are alot of tackle out ther anymore and from my experiance some are better than others on certain seasons. In the last 12 years I harvested 10 turkeys with my gun and 7 with my bow, 4 with longbow and one with recurve. In the spring, I belive that the turkey broad head I believe made by magnus with the three wide propellar blade work great, because you can much easier get the Tom to stick his head up and lope off his head. This is the perfect and drop right there shot on any turkey. However, during the fall, turkey's are bunched up in flocks and usually will only pop there heads up to look around out of curiousity or for danger and usually more than one. the above head works great, but I have shot then in the body, just because the head is down so I can draw safer from getting busted, either from ground or stand. The kill zone on a turkey is about the size of a softball around the base of the wink if not little further back. Any traditional broadhead works, but a 3 blade is better. Like the guys above had two fly off and never found them. You don't want the arrow as sharp as with deer or other game, because you want it to stay in them and hinder flight, remember cann't blood trail a turkey. The string tracker works good and a buddy of mine used a camo bowfishing reel, that worked. I did see in some old books that few guys tied on fishhooks to the shaft behind the arrow to assure it didn't go all the way through, but believe this to be illegal no, not sure. Hope this helps and good gobblin!!