I went out for my fist hunt ever Saturday. About two hours before sunrise, from the living room of my brother-in-law’s house we saw, under t bright nearly full moon, 7 deer just hanging out eating apples. After they moved on we left for the woods. I was a little wary of the tree stand as my mobility seemed limited and my brother-in-law could not find his harness and I don’t like sudden 15ft drops. I decided to crouch next to a tree and some bushes. As the sun began to rise the woods came to life with an excitement I have never experiences before. Among the birds, turkeys and squirrels, we could hear deer grunting and snorting all around us. After some time it seemed they were on to us so we decided to move to the other side of the woods. Along the way we stirred up many deer including a beautiful doe that stood there for about 5 minutes just looking at us. She was about 75 yards away and seeing as I am only confidently accurate at about 12 yards with my recurve, I just enjoyed looking at her. Then the rain came.
It rained for the rest of our trip until it was time to pack the wife and kids in the car. As I watched out the window with at the rain, deer after deer came to feed on apples from the trees in his front yard. One, a 4 or 6 point, cam within 10 yards of the window and I’m sure I saw him wink at me. I would have stepped out on the porch and taken a shot, but with it being my first time and all, my brother-in-law explained the physics of water washing away blood so we would never find the deer.
As far as putting meat on the table, hunting this weekend was a bust. But, the woods were beautiful, saw tons of deer and just plain old had a good time. Why didn’t I try this hunting thing sooner?