i had asked my freind don if it was possible to hunt with him at some point during deer season. well after waiting through some bad weather and schedule stuff to be out of the way some what , don found time to hunt for an afternoone. i gathered my gear and headed to his place, the plan was to meet @ 4p.m.i arrived a few min. early so i had some time to change into my hunting clothes. well we heaed out , don put me in this stand that has to be the most beautiful patch of woods ive ever seen this close to the coast. im in the stand facing west. i see a shag bark hickory several other species of hard woods i dont know the names of and not a pine in site. there is a creek about 250-300 yrds to my front and im close to a rolling knoll to my left and a dry wash to my right. i had six squirrels on the ground milling about fussin ofver who has the right to all the acorns. that lasted for a 1/2 hr or more. then about 30 -40 min before the sun went down 3 does stepped into the area. they aproached on my left and from behind. at first i just saw 2 and heard a snap behind me and here comes doe 3.i took my time to reach for my bow, but the weight had it piched on the hook " o crap.. use two hands said the coach". it took me almost 10 min to stand up. the does are feeding on acorns still to my left, 2 of them had their butts facing me but the one yearling doe was perfect broadside, she's my target! i take my time, " remember ruddy bend at the waist" i said to myself. i take my time coming to full draw, im aiming carefully. i really want this doe. i release the arrow, and wouldnt ya know it , the bottom limb his my left leg with a really loud whack, causing the arrow to go god knows where. the does scatter to live another day. shortly after it was dark, i climbed down to go find my arrow. don showed up to head back and i explainde to hime the event. don had some advise to give to remedy this monkey on my back. but we both agreed we are havin fun. im grateful for the opportunity to hunt with don and to see some deer in a beautiful peace of land. p.s. no pics i didn' bring my camera. hunt safe, ruddy