Last evening under a nice overcast sky, I went to one of my favorite spots. It has been a good crossing/feeding area in the past and will be again this season, as time progresses (it says so right here in fine print - LOL). Had a busy evening anyway but still no deer around me - yet. Had plenty of company though - 3 or 4 squirrels around most of the evening (one was a Fox Squirrel), a large Pilliated Woodpecker - feeding and flitting around as they do, a well-mannered gun hunter who walked almost up to my seat before I finally caught his eye, he was busy scanning the firebreak surface, as he slow-hunted along. He was some shocked, when he finally realized I was right in front of him, and then turned back with an apologetic shrug. I would have motioned for him to pass on through - once he knew I was there, if he had given me time before he turned away in embarrassment - LOL. Finally, I saw a fox on my way back to the car. I took some pics when I first got there and will post them here just to show I'm enjoying the woods, even if the deer don't seem to be interested in "enjoying" my company - LOL.
Here is my folding seat setup, with my Anneewakee Addiction, "Blackie" laying across it. It's backed up by a large double-trunked tree and has natural "break-up" growth and downed branches around it (plus I wear a 3D leaf design Bug Tamer suit):
The area is a medium sized hill, with some oaks and other browse, circled on one third by a firebreak, and close to the edge of the national forest boundry. It also is a pathway between bedding areas and farms in the area. Here is a close-up of my seat from the left side:
My Front, Left, top of the rise, with a woods road beyond and then more brush/tree area beyond:
My Front, Right - a relatively shallow gully bounds the right side of this area, diminishing to the top of the rise, with a tree edge beyond that:
Left side - some of my break-up cover, and another shallow gully on that side, with another low hill beyond:
My bow and arrow on my chair - ready and waiting for me to settle down:
A couple of close-ups, once I settled in to wait, watch, and enjoy. I certainly have enjoyed the way my new Kanati Slim Jim broadhead quiver rests and balances across my knees this season - both in my chair and/or my climbing stand. As I thought it would, this bow quiver has turned out to be my favorite ever:
(A couple more pics to follow)