Spent the last 4 days at hunting camp with a good friend of mine. Saw lots of deer! don't know where all the does were hiding, but saw at least 12 different bucks!!
Most were small- medium, but saw 3 that were very nice 9-10 ptrs. Was ready to shoot a 9, when out struts the KING of the woods: 12+ pt. and HUGE body!!! OF course, he was 300 yds away, but just seeing him in the area I was planning on hunting the next morning........well, the 9pt got a "get out of freezer free" card!!
2 mornings later, I had to leave to help a friend, and was getting ready to shoot a squirrel and come down around 11am , when lo and behold-------here comes antlers--BIG ANTLERS!!! The big guy was coming through!!! I clumsily changed back to my BH arrow, then DROPPED IT OFF MY BOW down to the ground!
Luckily, with the wind, he didn't seem to mind--whew!!
He dressed up a scrape, and walked on past me and down the trail, never closer than 30 yds. Waited till he as gone, located another tree closer to the main travel corridor and re-located my stand. Now it's back to work for 3 days............
Can't wait till monday afternoon-----headed back out to hunting camp for another week and hopefully another crack at the "beast"!
This is the first yr. I've ever waited on a bigger buck-----not even sure why......However, after next weeks vacation---anything goes, I've got an empty freezer and no more vacation :rolleyes:
Good luck to all you Buckeye deer hunters out there!! and everyone else, too! :D