Ok, I need some help deciding?? I am now shooting a 60", mild r/d Tom Parsons Mattawoman II and am having absolutely no bow arm elbow problems. Earlier I bought a HH blank and finished it out, came out nice, but was getting bow arm elbow pain with it. I attributed it to "hand shock", and tried everything I could, different grip, heel down, grap hold of it, heavy arrow, etc and everything I did still gave me elbow pain in the bow arm. Traded it to my brother who says "hand shock?? what handshock??" I realize that different people feel handshock differently.
Ok, now to my question. I have a deposit down with Marty Thompson (Apex Predator bows, I love his work) and am going to buy one of his bows but can't decide which model to get. (have to make my mind up soon as he is going to start on it) I am going down in bow weight from the HH, if that will matter? but I really want a D bow but am afraid that I will end up with the elbow pain problem again.(gun shy) Marty's Cumberland model has some string follow, (a 1/2" or so) which I have heard helps with handshock. Can anyone give me some advice or has experience with the Cumberland vs a HH as far as handshock goes? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have any problems with one of his r/d bows and may get one, but I really want his D bow.. Cumberland..