Last evening I parked my butt on the carport with a glass of pretty good Cab to enjoy the sunset and watch our lake for deer. Due to the drought conditions a huge number of deer have been using this water source.

As luck would have it several does came in at about 4:40 PM. They left and a cowhorn spike came in as the shade of evening was begining to close. He got a drink and left.
More does came in and the next thing ya know Mr. Spike comes over the dam and dives into the lake swimming like a horse over to the does. (This would be kinda catty corner in the pic from right to left.) He gets feet on ground and shakes with the sun behind him and the air lights up like diamonds. He then proceeded to be an idiot and chases a doe back into the lake and swims after her.
I am sorry I have no pictures of this but it was too dark at the time.
The wine was good and the show was better. We have 52 deg and drizzel this morning with a significant SW breeze.
The does are apparently getting hot and the bucks are getting stupid. We have six days left before our first gun season. These next days should prove fruitful for those of us that can be out there.