It varies widely due to factors like deep population, location/habitat, hunting pressure, hunting skills, and shooting skills.
I think it is more important to gauge the hunt by what you see and not by what you kill. If you are seeing deer and getting opportunities, but missing, then its shooting skills you need to hone.
If you are not seeing deer and there is little sign, then it is location that needs to be changed ... you are fishing a dry hole.
If you are not seeing deer and there is plenty of fresh sign, then it is hunting skills that need refinement. Different situations require different hunting techniques. Spot-n-stalk requires the most hunting skills and is the most difficult, but the most rewarding.
Took up my old Trad gear 2 seasons ago but only hunted this season. Took 1 hour out of a treestand to put a cow elk down ... so Luck helps.