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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Is there any tradgangers with experience of hunting with really heavy arrows?  (Read 1298 times)

Offline Margly

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I have just made some new arrows for my Black Douglas Hex V 66@drawlength.

The arrows is Easton fmj 250 Dangerous Game, with 5" feathers, 100 grain insert and a Whitetail bh from Abowyer with a 125 adapter and a totalweight of 335 grains.

Total weight of arrow is 1035 grains    :D    

It gives 15,64 gpi, and yes I know I`m high up in weight but I really like the feeling of shooting these heavy arrows, see the arrowflight and not to forget the heavy thump when I hit the target.

I chronoed the arrows today and have an average of 154 fps. Think that's OK.
It gives a momentum of 0,707 And I do believe I can take down almost everything with that setup    :)    

Is there any Tradgangers out there, that hunts with this kind of heavy arrows?

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TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline ChuckC

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wow those ARE heavy. But it seems that you get decent speed.  I'll bet your shot is very quiet as well.  The only problem I see is reduced distance due to the weight, but if you practice with them then it shouldn't be a hindrance.  

As I recall, Mr Browning (Monty) shot real heavy arrows and did just fine. Didn't he even "blow up" one of the club's 3D targets using one of them ?  hehehe


Offline Margly

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Yes the bow is really silent   :)  

I`ve shot them out to a distance of ca 28 yards today, and they drop heavily at that range. On my usual hunting range (max 20 yards) they fly great and there is not much difference than shooting a 650 grain arrow.
But of course if I`m going to hunt with these heavy arrows I need to shoot them and only them to get the "feel" of the arrows drop on different distances.

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TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline hunt it

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I am currently playing with exact same shafts 250 at 29 1/2" and 300 up front I'm getting 1070grns. Shooting them out of a 73# Morrison Shawnee they are still to stiff. I'm currently awaiting 823 limbs for that bow and will see how they fly from 82#.

I also have some Grizzly Safaris that are weighed in at 1030 grns without the 300 grn broadhead. They fly not bad out of the 73#er.

My buddy just came back from Zim where he used the 250 FMJ 29" and a 300 gr single bevel Ashby to take an elephant at 18yrds. He split a rib on way in and had a complete pass through. The shaft was in good shape afterwards. He was shooting 90# wheely bow.
hunt it

Offline drewsbow

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I shoot 840 grns out of a bow thats 48 @ my draw , love heavy   :thumbsup:    :clapper:
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TGMM Family of the Bow
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BigJim 3 pc buffalo 48@28
BigJim thunderchild 55@31
BigJim thunderchild 55@32 Jim's bow

Offline Cottonwood

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I'm going to be playing with my Ben Pearson 60# LB this next year, and want a heavy arrow set up for it.  

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Offline 2treks

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That makes my 750gn+ HAMMERHEADS seem light. Coming out of my 62# Longbow they do well. I like a heavy arrow.
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~ Francis Chan

Offline S C Mercer

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I am currently shooting 671 grains out of a 50# draw weight longbow.  Whisper quiet and hits hard!  Both attributes I like in a hunting arrow. I am getting about 155 fps out of this set up.  Steve

Offline Joseph

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I shot a boar in Australia and a Bison in Montana with an Ipe arrow that with the 155 gr Eclipse broadhead totaled out at 1100 grains.  They work good and willl definetly silence your bow.
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Online ozy clint

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890gr arrows from 69#'s of bob lee recurve equals 2 dead water buff for me.
Thick fog slowly lifts
Jagged peaks and hairy beast
Food for soul and body.

Border black douglas recurve 70# and 58# HEX6 BB2 limbs

Offline Ben Maher

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Margly ... i have until recently always favored heavier arrows for hunting. About 7 years ago I dropped down in weight to about 52# but used some woodies that weighed 740 gns ...they penetrated like no tomorrow. Your still getting good speed and your bow is quiet ... Go get into 'em !
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Offline straitera

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Up to 750gr (+/-) just recently incl 160gr Ace 2-blades. No discernable drop from my 75# Maulding LB. Really like the heavy flight. No kills yet however.
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Offline arky714

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Boy ! that border black douglas hex5 is really getting the job done...

Offline Margly

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Thanks for all info and comments:)
I think I have to hunt with this setup  :)  

I`m off to HogHeaven in February so then we will see!

With a healthy dose of madness and bad memory, life`s a wonderful journey      :thumbsup:    

TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline Night Wing

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I shoot low poundage bows, but with my 30" draw length and my 32" long arrows, I shoot a very heavy arrow grains per pound (GPP) wise which you can see in my signature.
Blacktail TD Recurve: 66", 42# @ 30". Arrow: 32", 2212. PW: 75 Grains. AW: 421 Grains. GPP: 10.02
Blacktail TD Recurve: 66", 37# @ 30". Arrow: 32", 2212. PW: 75 Grains. AW: 421 Grains. GPP: 11.37

Offline sweeney3

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Wow man.  154 fps with over 1,000 grains.  You're golden.  As long as it shoots well for you, you'll be fine.  "Well" includes flight characteristics, accuracy, consistency, and noise level.  Just guessing, I'd say it's probably pretty quiet with that much weight.  Most energy would go into the arrow.  As long as you can put em where they need to be and have a sharp head, you'll be great.

My own setups aren't that heavy, but they are decidedly over the 10 grains per pound round figure.  My low 40s recurve is doing very well with over 600 grain arrows and I have similar ratios for my selfbows.  You're good!!   :thumbsup:
Silence is golden.

Offline SlowBowinMO

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I love heavy arrows, for the way they shoot and the way they perform.  You've got me beat by a good bit, my heaviest are 730 grains but that's from a 57# Firefly.

I can shoot 12-13 gpp with most of my bows, but beyond that trajectory gets difficult for me to compensate for.  As long as you are accurate, more power to you!   :thumbsup:
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Offline smoke1953

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I'm 52# with 740 gr. and have had 3 pass throughs on on last 3 kills on deer. Quiet, quiet, quiet on release.

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