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Author Topic: Bison Gear vs Badlands  (Read 1682 times)

Offline Bill Turner

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Re: Bison Gear vs Badlands
« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2010, 02:02:00 PM »
I own two Bison Gear packs, as well as a Badlands "Hyper-vent". The Hypervent is a different pack, made with an internal frame, and a special design that allows ventilation between your back and the pack during those long, hot weather excursions. If your getting a hypervent in good shape, for $100 or less, that is a great buy. They retail at about $180. For everyday whitetail hunting, I prefer my Bison Gear "Lost River" or for overnite stays my "Lemhi", but both will cost you quite a bit more money. Let your pocketbook be your guide. All three will do the job, and each of them has a lifetime warrenty. If it was me, I'd buy the Hyper-vent for now, and save my pennies for a Bison Gear later, if I found I needed it. Keep the Hypervent in good shape and you'll always be able to get your money out of it. You are buying it wright. Good luck and good hunting.

Offline Bowwild

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Re: Bison Gear vs Badlands
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2010, 07:32:00 PM »
I have two Badlands (Fanny and Backpack).  I much prefer Sika Gear packs.

Offline Bowwild

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Re: Bison Gear vs Badlands
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2010, 08:32:00 PM »
I just spent some time on Bison Gear's web site.  Looks like some very high quality gear!  I'd love to see pictures of the Predator Fall camo fabric on thee packs.  They are expensive but these packs looks like they'll last the user a lifetime....and then some.

Offline Steve O

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Re: Bison Gear vs Badlands
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2010, 10:26:00 PM »
I have an OLD made in the USA Badlands 2200.  I have used it from Alaska to Arizona.  It has carried 90+ pounds of meat and gear.  IT is bulletproof.  I have given away new made in Thiland/Vietnam/ wherever they make them now Badlands packs.  Not impressed in the least and what good is a lifetime warranty when you are in the middle of Alaska and it breaks.

Angelo's Bison Gear packs are built like tanks.  I had a double decker fanny pack a while back in the heavy duty predator wool.  It was a great pack, but when I replace it, it will be with one of the lighter and more waterproof model.

I have been jonesing for a Haversack to improve upon my Gray Wolf possibles pack.  Hopefully he will have a few non wool  ones at Kalamazoo and I'm sure I will not be able to resist any longer.

Offline LV2HUNT

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Re: Bison Gear vs Badlands
« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2010, 06:19:00 AM »
I have been using the Badlands Roll Top fanny for a bunch of years and it works great. I busted the belt buckle from strapping it on too many trees. I called Badlands and they sent out a replacement right away. The pack is very well constructed of quality materials and a lesser pack would have fallen to pieces long ago.

I have heard great things about Bison Gear and have no reason to think they would be otherwise. The only reason I have not bought one of their packs before is that I really do not need or want a large fanny for whitetail hunting. In fact both my brother and I are switching to smaller fanny packs (Badlands Nano)for deer hunting. For Western and very remote hunting I could see the larger size being more practical.

Offline Elkchaser

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Re: Bison Gear vs Badlands
« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2010, 09:21:00 AM »
I own all 3 brands. A Badlands (older model ultra or superday, I believe), a BisonGear Lemhi, and an Eberlestock X2.
Have carried all 3 on many days of elk hunting, covering many miles with varying size loads.
Here's my take (though packs fit everybody differently)

Badlands- good pack, nice pocket arrangement. padding is right on back, so can cause back to sweat easily when climbing hills, doesn't carry as large of load as I sometimes like to have.

Bison Gear- has been my go to pack for years, wool-very silent, I deal with snow more than rain so waterproof is not as big of deal as in some parts of the country, frame stays support the load against the back very well (can get a little warm at times), but heavier loads tend to cause the pack to kind of sag down toward the bottom (if that makes sense). I guess not enough compression straps to lift the load up.

Eberlestock X2- new this year. Extremely comfortable even on the first trip out. Plenty of pockets, mesh back and small external frame keeps room between back and pack for ventilation, carries a heavy load well (the lower compression shelf really lifts the load and keeps it tight), Material gets a little noisy as temperatures approach 0 degrees.

Sorry this was so lengthy, but I wanted to state my findings.
If I had to get rid of all but one pack today, the one I would keep would be the X2. For me and my type of hunting it is the most versatile. Good luck on finding the right pack for you.
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Toelke Lynx RC 58", 51@28”

Offline BTW

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Re: Bison Gear vs Badlands
« Reply #26 on: December 10, 2010, 09:37:00 AM »
I own both packs. The bison is quiet, tough, and comfortable. Plus Angelo will work with you on custom options. Made in America too. The badlands are tough, more comfortable, but nosier. No custom options.  I like both, but for different reasons.

Offline Talondale

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Re: Bison Gear vs Badlands
« Reply #27 on: December 10, 2010, 10:51:00 AM »
How would you compare the Badlands 2800 to the First Trip Explorer for a day pack with the ability to take out the first load of meat?

Offline TDHunter

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Re: Bison Gear vs Badlands
« Reply #28 on: December 10, 2010, 01:07:00 PM »
Both are great, tough bags.  Bison Gear is silent!!

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