Seems like this may be one of those questions that has an anwer that begins, 'It all depends...'. First thing I consider is how big is the tract you'd like to hunt?. If it's large, say over 600 acres and a mile or more square, I'd go for the interior, or any spot within the track that is more than a quarter mile away from the nearest point of public access. My experience says 70-80% of hunters set up within a short distance of their vehicle. Several folks have already commented on how pressured deer go nocturnal. But I find these night time deer often get up and move around for food and water in the middle of the day. Perhaps they have been conditioned to 'typical' early morning and late afternoon hunting hours.
If it's a much smaller track, say less than 200 acres, I'd check out the perimeter with private property. I think pressured deer do go nocturnal, but I think they also move a short distance to avoid areas of human congestion. A move of just 200-300 yards can take them off the public land if it's a small track. Again, I'd try mid day. It's usually the warmest part of the day with the fewest humans.