Out of a 51# @ 28 bow, my observations only and not scientically substantiated.
Comparing a tuned 564 gn(11.1 gpp) - 25% EFOC arrow to a 608 gn(11.92) 32% Ultra- EFOC arrow.
1. Same site picture used to hit right on at 20 yards
2. Just able to discern the heavier arrow to be slightly less noise.
3. Just able to discern the heavier arrow to be slightly less shock.
4. Ultra-EFOC bareshafts and shoots large dia. BH's better than any of my numerous previous set-ups.
5. The heavier Ultra-EFOC wants to shoot thru a moderately used average bag target, where the the 25% EFOC set-up never does.
6. Penetration on a Rhinehart BH target with the Heavier Ultra-EFOC,tipped with a Big 3
is significantly deeper than the 25% EFOC arrow and much more deep than
any of my 2 blade set-ups with 55# and 14 -16% FOC
If trajectory was an issue, then I would shoot lighter yet maintain EFOC or Ultra-EFOC.
(Note: EFOC and possibly Ultra-EFOC is easily obtained w/Victory HV shafts)
Victory HV 400 6.2 gpi
Victory HV 350 6.7 gpi
Victory HV 300 6.9 gpi
Traditonal archery is quite indivually dependent.
1. We have different expectations
2. Form, fit and funtion can be quite different for individuals.
3. What works perect for one is absolutely wrong for another
4. What we read or develop on paper may not remotley resemble observations in reality.
5. Believing in yourself and your set-up is paramount
I also believe a train travelling 7.3 fps( 5mph) hits you equals doom.
The point of diminshing returns most likley will be governed by the trajectory
one can shoot consistantly out to their desired range.
Just the opinions and observations from an non-expert.