Wollelybugger, a sad fact...happend/is happening in Michigan as well.
A campfire tradition here at my house started kind of by accident. We have a youth hunt here that is during the last weekend in September. It is still quite warm then, even at night. When a deer is killed, it must be dealt with ASAP.
When my oldest son killed his first deer at the age of 11, we celebrated! Phone calls, pictures ect., and then we got down to the business of getting the deer in coolers of ice.
The deer was hanging in a group of trees we call "the pines", and it was full on dark before we got to business. I told my son to gather some wood and start a fire so I could see. He did just that. Before long, there was a plate with some salt and pepper, and various other spices and we rolled the inner loins in the spices, and roasted them over the fire on the same metal sticks we use for hot dogs when we go camping. We would roast thin sliced chunks and burn our lips...and then roast some more. A primal celebration at it`s finest. When the deer was safely chilled, we sat around the fire for hours, and talked of what had happened, and what was going to happen in the years to come.
The following year, my son scored again on the opener of the youth hunt. The deer went into the same tree, and without a word spoken, the campfire was being built. We enjoyed the same celebration. My youngest son, has had his deer done in the same fashion...with the same primal celebration and the same talks of what was and what will be.
And so it has been for five years now.