I understand Terry, I was hit really hard by the news. I had contact with Larry and Chris just a couple times in the last couple days of his life. In fact I sent a PM to Chris the same night he passed away. I got up the next morning to check my mail before heading to work. When I saw the post about his death I had to call my wife into the room, I couldn't speak for a moment. I didn't have the pleasure to know Chris personally, but I have to say it has been very difficult for me the last few days. Larry suggested I start a thread regarding the DC knives which I did. Chris was selling his to raise money for a hunt with his father. I have no words to help his family or friends who knew Chris well, but I felt he was a good guy from our contacts. I can see from the response here that I was correct. The great ones are remembered by the mark they leave on the people in their lives. I would say that the Surtees family the family here are better,to have shared his life. God bless his family. God bless the Trad Gang family.