Or, does Bear finally get it and are going to build bows that people might want?
Jashu, I'm going to pick on something you said, but please don't think I'm picking on you.....
Yeah, I think it's awesome that Bear appears to be getting back to their roots. There's probably nothing that conjures up images and sentimental feelings of archery more than Bear to me.
While Bear can bring back plenty of bows that people
want , the rubber will meet the road if people actually buy those bows.
Let's face it, longbow and recurve shooters don't represent a sizeable marketing audience. The very fact that they are making an effort to revitalize their line is very exciting to me, even if they didn't bring back every single model of bow that each person holds dear.
Sometimes I get the feeling that many of us take exception to Bear (among others.....i.e Magnus) focusing on their bottom line more than on our every whim of what we enjoy using.
Yes, I have fond recollections of the days that the Bear recurves were always fresh and new, and their devotion to "traditional" archery seemed paramount. On the other hand, I bet Bear also wishes for those days to be back....days when they sold as many recurves in a month as the entire traditional community purchases in a year these days (I'm exaggerating--don't know off hand how many bows are purchased new these days).
was a great company. What it is today, although not my cup of tea, is a company like many others that is doing it's best to continue in business. Bottom line is that their best hope of doing so is to focus on the bows that people
buy .
Let's hope that this returned focus to recurves and longbows will be fruitful for them, because then it will be fruitful for us as well.