If it's got velcro straps (as per the old model sold by Paul Brunner's Screaming Eagle outfit), just hook the velcro straps through your belt loops and it's perfect.
Or, and this is what I hunt with 90% of the time, attach a camo or dark cord to the top of the quiver and the bottom, make the loop about 42" (what works for me) and throw it over your head and shoulder and you can adjust it anyway you want.
In this photo, I've got the quiver adjusted so it is riding way behind me, almost as a back quiver. I also adjust it this way when scaling down a tree. (By the way, the adjustment takes 1/2 second; just scoot it where you want it).
In this photo, it shows how I usually position it, right alongside my waist. This works when wearing a day pack or carrying other gear (like a stand) on your back.
You can also adjust it with the arrow hood riding more upward and fletching pointing more downward for climbing into your treestand. I would think you could do this with most standard bow quivers that have some kind of arm between the hood and the rubber-holder-thingy
I use the leather-hooded old model strap-on because it looks rather traditional at the same time. And I wear the quiver on my right side since I shoot right handed.