I switched to lefty in 1996 after shooting RH since the mid-60's. It was the best move I ever made, I was on my way out of archery due to mental shooting problems.
1. Get light equipment.
2. Make a loop of string that replicates your draw length and perfect the shooting process with it.
3.Focus on re-learning how to shoot. Shoot blank bales at close range (5-7 yards) until you master it.
4. If you could attend a NASP Certification class, MN is one of the top 5 NASP states, Kraig Kiger is your MN DNR Coordinator, you would find it immensely helpful. Many left-eyed adults have switched to LH shooting during NASP training.
Stick with it. The state 4-H and NASP coordinator for North Dakota switched from RH to LH back in 2006. He had shot RH for 32 years. In two days he announced he was shooting LH better than he had ever shot RH.
There is a DVD called "Beyond NASP" you can buy at
www.archerhyintheschools.org that teaches the "Eleven Steps to Archery Success". It teaches how to make the string bow, mental aspects of archery, etc. If you'd rather have a 100% traditional focus, the same author, Tim Strickland produces a DVD about shooting Traditional --www.stricklandsarchey.com
Good luck and good for you!