yes, I do bareshaft my woodies! And of course it works! Why not? And, if you think about it, it would make any spinetester unnescessary if we were not to lazy to do it for every shaft ... !
Your bow is a spine-tester after all! Better so: a tester for dynamic spine!
I don't argue about the "add 5# for FF, minus 10# for 2" of stringfollow" etc. thing! No! I agree totally here!
But that's not the point! AMO standard is also measured by deflection - only later translated into pounds - for convenience of the customer.
Don't read your spine in pounds and only thing you have to do is find yourself shafts with a deflection of, say .325" - or somewhere close to it. Done!
And it is of NO help to force new "standards" into existing fields. WHY change the old 26" 2lbs. standard? Now you have to know both! Now you have to look very carefully
each time, as not to mix them and by which you order shafts etc. And make sure the pro shop owner also knows the problem. Big confusion!