Hello Everyone!
I'm using some spruce arrows.
I have my arrows tuned up nice.
Now that Deer season is over
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I'm thinking about tweaking my setup.
I'm shooting about 12.3 grn/# and 18.3%FOC.
I'm thinking I'd like to strengthen my shaft at the tip without adding weight. I realize I could use a steel internal footing and a lighter broadhead but I don't particularly want to change my broadheads.
I'm using a 200 Grizz on a 45# bow shooting about 145ft/sec. I'm used to the trajectory. This setup puts the most energy into the arrow of many setups I've tried with this bow. I admit the setup is sorta on the edge of being under-powered. This is why I want to use the long and lean Grizz.
Anyway.. I'm thinking of using the internal footing jig and putting in a carbon fiber tube or possibly a carbon fiber rod for a footing.
I'm thinking this won't add too much wt (might be a little less wt) but would be stronger.
Anyone ever try this?