Everything amar911 said. Also, yes...the streaks are cosmetic but isn't that the reason we order clear glass over a figured veneer? You are paying extra, in most cases, to feature this beautiful veneer under clear glass. IMO the glass should be as clear as the glass over a fine coffee table. I am apprehensive to order a new bow anymore, pay $1000 or more and have streaks through the limbs. This to me is unacceptable and unfortunate.
I have talked to several of the nationally known bowyers about this and the answer is always the same "you can't see the streaks in the glass before you lay them up, they only reveal themselves within the glass once they come out of the form" Some other bowyers say the lay the glass on a black table and wet it with water to reveal the streaks. So, is there something that can be done about it? I do not make glass bows, so I cannot say from personal experience.
I would like to see more bowyers reject streaked glass and demand absolutely clear stock material. Is Gordon Bo-Tuff doing all they can to ensure a quality, cosmetically streak-free product? What would it take?
All the custom bows I own right now are without streaks and that did not happen by accident. I will not buy a used bow with streaked glass, no matter how much I might like it otherwise.