I've always wanted to do this, you guys are getting me fired up. Just called my hunting partner and he signed on immediatly. (maybe thats why we hunt together) We will be doing this in the fall on one of our elk hunts in the San Juan mtns. I'm thinking 3 days with nothing but our clothes, bows, and survival gear we can carry in our pockets. We have stayed out over night, built a shelter and fire at 11,000' in November. All because we didnt want to walk the 2 miles back to the truck after I killed an elk late in evening (rifle, it was the last year before I took up the bow). The tenderloins were delicious by the way. This is the obvious next step I suppose. Will have to be after Sept 1 so grouse season is open too. Can't wait! I will of course keep a journal and share stories.