So....a quick background to this. Last weekend as I was using Stu's calculator and finishing a 4 spine weight test pak of Surewood shafts I got inquisitive about carbon arrows. Having never shot carbon in my life (Mostly POC, sometimes XX75's, and way back in my childhood....fiberglass, for gar killing in the bayou's of Houston)I started reading in several of the forum's here of everyone's opinions and recommendations. After too many hours of thread cruising I was convinced that Beman MFX's were the toughest thing this side of a Water Buffalo, really easy to get high FOC, and according to the So I just had to see what all the hubbub was about and placed an order for a 1/2 dozen from one of the site sponsors.
The shafts were waiting at the post office when I got home from work today. Like a kid at Christmas I tore open the box and weighed them. Much to my dismay one of them weighed 100 grains more than the others so I set that one aside and called the vendor to see if the wrong insert or a weight tube was accidentally installed. I quickly wiped the rest down with alcohol & put Fl Orange wraps and 5" parabolics on two of them. Once they dried I headed for my backyard "range". Once again, Stu's calculator was right on the need to change point weights....spine & vertical point of impact were perfect.
The first thing I noticed was that the trajectory of this 18.8%FOC setup did not fly like a .300 Win Mag bullet, but rather just like my woodies in a higher weight 20 yards. However, I backed up to 35 yards and they maintained their flight much longer.....shot right over the target with the first one trying to compensate for the drop I had seen at 20 yards. Once I got used to that, I decided to see how tough they really were...hence, the title of this thread....Board Tuning.
Much to my wife's delight I picked a spot in the cedar fence and let her rip.
I retrieved this one arrow, flexed it and looked it over on my way back to the 25 yard spot in my yard. No damage. Upon reaching my mark damned if I didn't turn around and send it through the fence again....not sure what possessed me to do it, but I suppose I really wanted to disprove the tough thing. This time it did the same thing....25 yards, again point buried, and not a scratch.
So by this time I'm thinking these things are indestructible....maybe. As I reached the 25 yard mark again I turned, drew, and launched it into a 4X4 corner post....that stopped the pass-throughs!
I knew I ruined this one shaft after 3 shots like this.....not! The shaft was just as true and blemish free as when I pulled it from the box.
Morale of this story? Don't board tune Beman MFX shafts with 4 X 4's....cuz you "might" not have a hole to look at.