it really doesn't matter all that much what feather length, what shape, and how many. really.
all that matters is the arrow flying straight and true as soon as possible. read that again. it should be the mantra of all trad bowhunters.
how you achieve that straight flying arrow is up to you. some folk swear by bare shafting and might go with smaller feathers, some just stick on huge helical feathers for better steerage out of the gate.
if yer arrows are well tuned to your bow, and fly well, it doesn't matter much about yer tail feathers. straight flying arrows, with sharp heads, that hit the vitals, are what we all seek. achieve that goal any way ya can, which means ....
... you need to test out different fletch criteria and see what works best for your arrows, your bow, and you.
there is no substitute for personal testing, since everything about trad archery is subjectively personal.