Wow! Thanks for sharing that. (Misery likes company). I spent the weekend chipping out frozen firewood and moving it indoors to thaw for burning.
My brother lived in Taylors, SC for 15 years or so and I got continual weather reports. Bum. Now he's in the Rochester, NY area. Ha, ha. Payback is a b!tc#.
A bowhunting friend of mine loved to tell of the time he was at a town not too far away where there used to be (maybe still is) an archery festival and on the last day they would release a farm piglet at dawn and the bowhunters would have at it for a pig roast. PETA would have loved that. Anyway, one year the pig procurement chairman outdid himself and got an adult Russian boar. I guess Mr. Pig took his pound of flesh and scatterred and tattered the shooters before he went down.