Hey folks,
This will be my first chance to get to go to OJAM. I've been wanting to for a few years but timing hasn't worked out yet. I'll be bringing my 7 year old daughter (she'll turn 8 while we're there). Not having been before, I have a few logistics type questions. First, do we need to register/sign up/anything of that sort, or just show up? Planning on camping with the tent, so I figure that space won't be too hard to find. Also, will there be much that a youngun would be able to take part in? She's interested in archery. Loves to help me fletch arrows and rasp on wood scraps while I'm working on bows.
Finally, I am seasoning a stave to use to make her a hackberry flatbow, but it's not likely to be done in time for her to have it there. Would it be alright if she uses a glass kid's bow untill/unless I can get her a wood bow tillered out? I know that folks can sometimes get a little touchy about that kind of thing and I don't want to cause any issues. Trust me, if it would cause trouble I compleatly understand and it won't be a problem.
Thanks in advance for any info you can give. I've looked at the website and it looks like a grand time! I'm looking forward to it a lot! I'll try and get some decent whitewood staves split up from the place here to bring for clot shoot and trade and give away and whatnot. See you all there!