After Xmas the weather turned nasty down near Houston, so in record time (to avoid sitting out in the shop too much with a stiff Norther blowing in my face), I put together a dozen Traditional Only 340s, flo yellow wrap, Tru Flight white 5" shields and a barred white/flo yellow shield cock feather. Finished them with 100 gr brass inserts and German Kinetics SF 180 gr broadheads. The cock feathers were cut using a Lil' Chopper 5" shield style. I was so happy to get these done I barely noticed the damn cock feather shield shape is wrong. They don't match the Tru Flights. Should I trim them? Start over? I shot one a few times and part of the wrap and 1/4" of a feather on it broke annoying. I'm probably going to redo that one arrow so I can see another color combo......
Any hints? I'm a perfectionist so this kinda stuff drives me nuts.