You can come up and hunt with my group if you like. I have access to @ 10 different properties to goose hunt, we kill on average 150 geese a year around the northeast part of Ohio. Our group has all of the decoys and blinds that you will need. Do not believe that you need a large field to hunt in, we kill many geese in fields as little as 5 acres in size. I killed 2 this year with my recurve, although I have yet to kill one yet on the wing, I have only killed them after they have landed with the bow. You also do not need a lot of decoy's we have had many a great hunt with as few as 3 decoys and have decoy'd them in with duck decoy's more than once. You will need to make sure you have both of your waterfowl stamps, state and federal this cost @ $40 a year here in Ohio. The south zone for geese goes another 2 weeks in Ohio, but due to work obligations my waterfowl hunting is done for the year. Look me up and you can start going with us in the early season witch typically starts on September 1st.