I dropped the camera in the snow by accident, so the pictures from now on may be a bit blurry. I kept following the earlier fox/coyote tracks, until they turned onto a main trail and were lost among the footprints and cross country skiers. From then, I walked into the woods to try to find some new tracks, I found some squirrel tracks!
Not too far away, I run into some evidence of our furry friend the gray squirrel:
I keep following those tracks, until I see movement up ahead. Sure enough, the tracks lead right to a squirrel digging in the snow. Let's play a game called stalking: (click for video)
I was feeling a bit silly at the time and started off with a ridiculous accent, pretending to be one of those hooligans on TV that over-dramatize everything. please ignore that bit.
(click for video)
I kept walking through the woods, find another squirrel and did the same thing. I got roughly the same distance away from that squirrel as I did the first one. The rest of the day was spent following tracks, looking for animals, and enjoying nature. I came across a clearing and found this old thing:
Pretty neat, that in the middle of nowhere there's an old wooden bucket. I picked some good tracks that led me to my favorite place of Ryerson:
It's a shame that the house isn't well taken care of, It would have been pretty neat if it was maintained throughout the years. Back in the eighties, researchers would live there for months at a time. Now, it just houses bats and raccoons. I cover about a fourth of the land in my trek, and the tracks led me back to the intersection where I first went into the woods.
Funny, I thought I recognized something about that print... By now the snow had turned to freezing rain and was now turning into plain old rain, and it was getting dark, so I headed back home. I noticed I was much quieter walking back through the field than I was when the day began. Overall, it was a fun day in the woods, and was much better than studying. If it were legal, and I had a license, and my bow hadn't exploded two days prior, I would have a squirrel or two to show for the day. Still, it was a great day in the woods, and I look forward to many more like it. Thanks, guys.