A friend of mine in Washington state just sent me some Obsidian heads that he knapped and I sent him a box of flint. We plan to make some trades in the future cause he's got the Obsidian and I've got the Flint (chert) so we can both have some of each.
He did a real good job on the heads, much better than I can do. He said that the Flint works easier if you heat treat it, which I have never done but I've read about it.
He also said that it's best to wear gloves and eye protection when knapping Obsidian and I would assume the same for TV glass or even fish bowl glass because of the microscopic flakes will cut you to pieces.
He mentioned that some guys have made successful heads from toilet bowl glass.....anybody heard of this? I know where I can get all the TV glass and toilet bowl glass I want, just have to pick it up and carry it home.
The more this subject comes up the more interested I become about it. I plan to get some more river cane soon and I can definitely see a completed set of river cane shafts with stone or Obsidian points and some natural barred turkey feathers in the near future.
BTW-- Where do you all get your pine tar or pitch to smear over the tie downs for the stone points?
I need to get some of that if I decide to make some stone point arras.