Originally posted by bawana bowman:
This is the last aerial target I shot. 16 January 2011, was moving along pretty good. :D
Don't get to shoot at target discs much, most my practice is done on live targets.
Shot this one with a 54" 55#@28 Shrew I got from Andy Ivey (Tradtusker) last year.
Nice my man....real nice!
Never shot areals either.....but this was my last one.
Can't remember the last time I shot up at any steep angle before I shot that bear 2 seasons ago. It was probably 2004 when I went squirrel hunting, I shot at some squirrels at steep angles in trees, and got a few, so it was probably 5 or 6 years prior.
I was standing about 6 feet from the tree and the bear was 70 foot up looking over at me in the 'U' of the trunk. I had to put it just above the tree, and just under the chin.....gotta love instinctive shooting!!!