I planted a lot of food plots over the years...some worked and most didn't. It can be a costly endeavor!! In the last few years I have experimented with simply fertilizing the "native" plants and browse they seem to like more anyway! The best results I get are the plots that have a lot of native rye…it’s a wide bladed grass that stays green throughout the year. I mow once in the spring and then mow and fertilize in August! It has been incredible over the past two years! I also transplant and fertilize honeysuckle...late in the year, it’s a huge draw! And last, in the spring, I fertilize selected apples and white oak trees. Just makes a good thing better! I have deer walking through fallen acorns to get to my trees!
Of the food plots I have tried, clover always seemed to be the best! Good old ladino clover. Buy your own from Southern States and forget paying extra for the monster deer pictures on the commercial brands :rolleyes: