Hey all, I am coming to the all knowing to find out some info on a recurve bow my father just got, he traded for it. Neither of us know anything about bows other than Fred Bear bows are of very good quality from what I have been able to research on the internet. It is a Sears bow made by Fred Bear; it does the Sears sticker on it. It is a
60" bow with a 45# draw, is right handed and has what appears to either have the copper or brass colored Bear metal button inset in the wood of the bow. It is all natural color and has the Bear Archery co. info on it. It is in perfect condition and even has 4-5 old broad head arrows with it that are believed to be about the same age as the bow. I am hoping to find out an approximate value of this bow. Also, is the value of this bow decreased due to it being sold by Sears even though it is clearly a Fred Bear bow. Was the quality of the Sears bows less than a regular Bear bow? Any and all info is greatly appreciated. I have not seen the bow but as soon as I have access to it I will take some pics and post them. Thanks.