Some great pics TJ. Thanks for taking the time to share them.
Trail cameras are just plain fun. If you feel they are an unfair advantage, then don`t hunt the areas you put them.
I would bet my best boots, anyone who says they don`t like them, would find them enjoyable if they gave it a try.
I have one of the cheaper ones, and I find that it tends to spook the mature deer a bit. When placed on a trail, I get a few pictures of the deer unaware, and then soon, they are ALL looking at the camera. Then the activity declines drastically where the camera is placed.
I would have mine out right now, but the cold nighttime temperatures deplete the 6 volt battery, and render it useless. I recently put it out on a coyote bait and the cold prevented it from taking any pictures. When I was removing it from the tree it was strapped to, I realized at least one male coyote had lifted his leg on it, and my hands were now coated with pee.
They can teach a person alot about what lives where. They can also add some joy because, as I said, they are just plain fun.