Thanks guys. I was a bit surprised to see this thread back up!
Steve - coming from a bowyer whose work I seriously admire, that means a lot. You use my other favorite wood quite a bit....curly koa!
She now wears a new SBD 8 strand D-10 string.....along with a pair of my wife's great French Angora puff balls......VERY, VERY quiet! Of course, 600 plus grain CE Heritage arrows help a bit as well.
I took the bow up to the Catskills this past weekend to shoot with the NY guys at Mike's (mcgroundstalker) 3-D and Muzzy Block setup. It was a lot of fun, although I certainly could have shot better! Me and Muzzy Blocks don't get along!
Shawn Leonard fondled her for a bit and flung a few arrows.....I wasn't sure if I was gonna get her back!!!
It has quickly become my favorite Dale Dye bow. I'm slowly but surely getting used to the shorter length, but it certainly is fun to shoot.