For years I fought getting an elctronic game station in our home, but was convinced otherwise and a Wii sits next to our TV now.
Now fast forward to getting new SD cards for my trailcameras and finding the cards would not load onto my laptop at all. I tried everything.
Well long story short, my oldest son (15) suggested putting the SD cards in the Wii to see if it would read them. IT WORKED!
Not only did it work, I use it exclusively now to review SD cards from trail cameras. It has a number of features that are handy too. Even on video mode you can zoom into and portion of the shot to look at something more closely.
Needless to say, having it on a screen that is many times larger than my computer screen to boot.
If you have already found this feature, excuse me for just climbing out from under my rock
, but if not give it a try.