Okay, so I just got 1 doz. cedar shafts in the mail that I bought from a fellow TG'r. I'm gonna need help from you wood shooters. A little background...... I've always shot aluminum arrows to this point, and can tune them with usually no problem at all. But I've had a hankering to shoot woodies for a while so here goes. My current set up is 2018's cut to 30" with about 230gr. up front(counting insert, added lead in the adapter and the broadhead). Total weight is about 625gr. The bow I'm currently shooting is a ChekMate Crusader, 62" 51# at 28",(I draw 27"). I am shooting Zwickey Delta's glue on 135gr, which is what I will continue to use on the new cedars. The cedar shafts are full length(32") and weigh 425gr +/- 4gr. They spine 60-65. Considering that I want to keep around the same total weight that my 2018's are, (I like heavy arrows), what length would I need as a starting point. I know that I will need to add some weight up front to push the total weight up and also to increase FOC. Any information or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.