2 pass throughs last leason.
Deer #1: 21-yard shot, broadside, double lung. Ran about 30 yards died 59 yards from my tree.
Dear #2: 16-yard shot, broadside, double lung. Ran about 35 yards died 52 yards from my tree.
58" recurve, 47#@26" draw. Beman MFX Classic, 600, 3,4" feathers, 100 grain single bevel broadhead, arrow wt 415g.
I intend to use this same set-up on turkeys next month.
I've just built new arrows (MFX 500) with a heavier broadhead (same model) and insert to get my grain weight to 505 -- for the fun.
I bought 100 grain brass inserts from Big Jim and love em!