I had read that it was possible to convert a Groves Spitfire Mag II to use ILF limbs by simply drilling a hole in the limbs so they could use the locator pin in the riser, so when I saw a set of 45# BlackMax shorts in the classifieds, I decided to go for it.
I had already ordered an ILF limb bolt kit from Tradtech just in case, and they arrived on the same day as the limbs. I was set to go.
The first thing to do was remove the ILF bushings. They were in there pretty snug, but I was finally able to tap them out without any damage. I plugged the holes with some 3/8" plastic hole plugs:
Then I had to drill the holes into those beautiful black limbs. The hole in the upper limb went in perfect. Not so lucky with the lower limb. Some how, after all my careful measurements, it was slightly off center. I elonged the hole enough to get the limb to line up properly, then fill it in with epoxy and drilled it out in the correct spot this time:
With limbs on the riser, I laid it on top of my wife's Pinnacle II and adjusted the limb bolts till I got the same limb angles. Luckily, it worked out that the limbs came out parallel with the top of the limb pockets:
With this setup, the bushings on the limb bolts were about 1/8" too short, so I came up with some 3/8" brass bearing sleeves that I hoped I could adapt to use in their places:
I tried to drill out the sleeves a little at a time, but on the second drill size, the bit grabbed and split the sleeve. My fall back solution was to place washers under the bushings:
I will still be looking for replacement bushings, but for now, the washers are a suitable substitute.
Here's the finished project:
The limbs made a 58" bow on a 17" riser. The Groves riser is 21", so I now have a nice 62" bow. Perfect!
The wind has been blowing here quite a bit lately, so I haven't got to tune it up yet. I have shot a few 1916's in the garage, I'm really impressed with the smoothness and speed of my "new" bow. I may have to find my friend another bow to shoot....maybe if I talk real nice to my wife, she'll let me loan her bow out!
BTW: The puzzle is one from the Hautman Brothers. I don't know how they stand on hunting, but they sure have some nice puzzles!
Update: While it is about zero outside, it is clear, and finally calm, so I got to shoot a few arrows. I'm very pleased with my new setup.
The only things I need to do now is replace the old 16 strand B50 string with a fast flight string, and replace the snapon nocks on my old 1916's with some classic nocks.