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Author Topic: Help in choosing the right clothing please!  (Read 1961 times)

Offline Lechwe

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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2011, 01:50:00 PM »
Originally posted by Wary Buck:
I'll add this about your question.  You said money is a concern, as it is for most of us.  I would just say this:  I've found that IF you hunt a lot, money spent on better equipment that will LAST a long time, will in the end be cheaper than buying bargain stuff.  My .02.
I'll second this big. My first venture into quality clothing resulted in a set of Sleeping Indian Wool that has lasted for over 15 years. Even the good stuff can be found at more reasonable prices.

Good luck.

Offline sloaf

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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2011, 02:19:00 PM »
John, I agree cotton has its place on warm days it breathes great, allowing air through.  When your really putting in a demanding effort is where it falls short. I think were are talking two different methods of heat transfer, through air and through moisture. The moisture wicking isn't very good.  If your out in 95 degree heat sweating your but off a technical shirt will keep you a lot dryer than cotton which takes longer to wick and release the moisture through evaporation.  The same goes for merino wool in that it is superior to cotton in drying time.  The High end Hiking clothing suppliers sell wool t shirts for this very reason.
I can't help but being reminded of the Seinfeld episode when George gets the Yankees to switch from wool jerseys to cotton.
My recent discovery is a wool base layer under polypro keeps me much dryer.
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Offline LKH

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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2011, 02:24:00 PM »
You might want to think about two very different patterns for your pants and jacket.  It just helps to get rid of that vertical predator look they seem to lock on to.  

I use camo because it's the best material for hunting. Wife sews all my hunting clothes, but camo is vastly overrated.  

I think the leafy suits would be better than plain.

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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2011, 02:30:00 PM »
Layers are the answer so use polypropylene next to the skin to wick away moisture. Any earth tone colors will work for your outer layer, but if you want camouflage then check your local army / navy stores or local gun shows. For the old school look check the second hand stores for wool flannel plaid shirts and wool pants. For store bought camo, check out the outfitter style camo that Cabela’s sells. The outfitters camo is a fairly versatile pattern that works in a lot of conditions.

You stated cost is an issue, so get a poly windbreaker to go under your mid weight layer or to be wore between your mid layer and your heavy insulating layer. Also, buy a rain suit and light weight tarp for those sudden mountain storms. There are some cool ultra-lite tarps being made now.

Next, don’t skimp on your footwear. You will be depending on your footwear the most.

Good luck!
TGMM Family of the Bow   A member since 6/5/09

“I can tell by your hat that you’re not from around here.”

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Offline John Scifres

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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2011, 03:07:00 PM »
I sometimes like to have a tad slower evaporation rate when it is warm and dry.  Evaporative cooling is great.  I'd hate to wick all that cooling moisture away from me too quickly.  

I used to be a product developer for a emergency response company.  We worked very hard to source the best PVA chamois material because it held its moisture longer, evaporated longer and therefore cooled longer.  Here is the product I developed:   http://dqeready.com/productdetail.aspx?p=339

I promise you that if you have this in sub 80% RH, it is going to be cool.  Competing products were basically cotton and did not work as well but still worked.  My cotton tees do the same thing.  As do my synthetics, just not as well.  Plus synthetics stink.

The same reason cotton ain't worth a dang in cold, wet conditions make it great for warm dry ones.
Take a kid hunting!

TGMM Family of the Bow

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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2011, 07:33:00 PM »
First, I have not been to "the Mountians" hunting in over 8 years.  That being said Boots are my number one.. that being said.. I am not "eat up" with all this "new market" specialized, way pricy developed stuff.

Poly prop and mer. wool there is your base and perhaps an extra light weight mer. wool top and a good poncho.  Now, like TJ and John said, you can build what ya need with what ya want without spending a billion bucks on this "new hunter/mountian climber built and approved" stuff...  I guess if I was 30 years younger I'ed be right there with em...LOL

There are several who posted here that fit this bill.  They all seem to have stated the same thing.. Layers, poly and wool and then whatever ya want... nuff said.  Save your money
Bruce A. Hering
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Offline John Scifres

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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2011, 09:23:00 PM »
No doubt, don't skimp on the boots.  If they are less than $150, you are probably not getting the right ones  :)   I bought some Lowa Banffs a few years ago.  They are about as good a boot as I've owned.  But boots are very personal so try several.  Go to a high end camp store and find what you like.
Take a kid hunting!

TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline JockC

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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2011, 05:14:00 PM »
Wait for Cabela's microtex in outfitter camo to go on sale (though it may be too late this year).  And then avoid fires in it.  Use the money you save to buy a light merino top and bottom and good socks (I have several kinds and have never paid close to retail for any, but the stuff keeps my comfortable over a far wider range of temps and exertion levels than any synthetic).  Mixing patterns and using the leafy stuff are excellent tips.  Nothing wrong with used Pendleton or Woolrich plaid shirts, either, but heavy wool gets pretty weighty in the mountains.
TGMM Family of the Bow
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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2011, 08:10:00 PM »
i agree with wary buck quality is the best route vs quality
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Offline Spectre

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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2011, 08:27:00 PM »
I'm a native Idahoan, and have worked many months in Colorado. In my less-than expert experience, polypro skivvies are the best, maybe find you some of that extra nice military grade wool outergarments---warm and quiet.

 Grampa always said wear a hat to keep your feet warm, too. Swanndri has a REALLY Bitchin' beanie--I couldn't imagine going out there without mine.
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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #30 on: March 28, 2011, 08:28:00 PM »
Oh, I forgot to mention that I love my Swanndri bush shirt is the cats meow.

 Did I mention that I love Swanndri?
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Offline Montanawidower

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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #31 on: March 28, 2011, 10:38:00 PM »
I know several guys that use one leafy outer layer and then layer underneath it.  It works pretty well.  Personally, I don't like the sound of synthetic leafy suits.  Then again, I'm pretty anal about noise when bulls are in close.  I've been elk hunting for a couple of decades now in Sept and the following are the clothing items I pack year in year out.

1)Silk base layer tops and bottoms: 1 set for ultra light, 3-4 if weight is no issue(buy it cheap from Sierra Trading post) I avoid poly because it stinks so bad you have to throw it away after one hunt. (or maybe I'm just a stinky goat)    :)  

2)Merino Wool underwear. 1 set(Sierra trading post again, doesn't matter the make or maker.. you can spend nothing or a Ufronte fortune) You can wear it by itself but I mostly wear it with silk underneath for less than 50 degree highs.  I don't care what they say it feels a little itchy after a day or so of not bathing.  Silk is soooo comfortable next the skin.  

3)Synthetic pants and button up shirt (You can go high end or very cheap.  (Cabelas microtex is a great, quiet, cheap fabric) I like synthetic pants for 60 or above mid day highs.

4)Wool Pants (Sleeping Indian high end...  Army surplus olive on the low end.  Also Columbia makes a mid range that isn't too bad) If its wet or colder I wear wool lowers.  We hunt with wood stoves so if it gets wet we dry in with a hummer of a fire in the evening. Its a funny sight to see two guys next to a rocking wood stove steaming their wool.    :)  

5)Fleece long sleeve coat. ( Again you have endless options) I always pack this with to handle mid day squalls or cold temps. Even on warm days, I nap in the shade snuggled up in my fleece jacket.  I like fleece because its light weight in my pack and doesn't absorb moisture.

6)Good gaitors and good boots!!!!!  Can't stress this enough.  Hell wear carharts.. but buy good gaitors and the best boots you can afford.  

7)Rain Jacket (packable camo quiet fabrics if possible)  Mine packs down to about six inches square and about a pound or more.  I again always have this in my pack.  Its a safety item.

8) Ball cap with a stocking cap that I wear over the cap to cover my ears.  I have a wool overhat that I bought last year from GWW that is awesome! (but not essential)

This system will take care of you from 25 degree snow days to 80 degree afternoons.  
Most Days I wear silk with synthetic, gators and take the fleece jacket and rain gear with me in my pack.  I make the morning hike with only my silk shirt on.  You should start out freezing.   Don't worry you'll be sweating 5 minutes into the morning climb.  
When weather rolls in, I just layer as needed.  

The second day of the season last year (sept 5th I think) I had every layer on(silk,merino,synthetic shirt,fleece uppers and silk,merino, and wool lowers with rain jacket as a wind blocker) and bucked a blizzard in comfort.  The next day it was 70 again mid day.  As many have said before me...Its better to take many light layers rather than one or two heavy layers.  Hope that helps.  

Offline oldbohntr

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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #32 on: March 28, 2011, 11:17:00 PM »
merino wool base layer and then light weight wool. I second the guy who said Cabela's outfitter camo...my favorite here in the west.

Offline stykbender

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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #33 on: March 29, 2011, 03:45:00 AM »
Another $0.02! Agree with Montanawidower!
I have been doin Colorado since'95 using silk unders, Army wool/poly blend trousers, 65/35 poly /cotton shirt, layering a wool shirt on top, wool vest and Woolrich Stag shirt jacket over all when in 'teens. I carry Cabelas Spacerain for the wetstuff--which will literaly fit in a pocket!
Smartwool socks and leather lightweight uninsulated hiker mid height boots (Merrel or now Lafuma). My pard uses Microtex but my stuff costs a lot less and I have most of the same gear since starting back then. Army pants were $5 last summer in surplus shop! As others said layers the key and for me weight--when covering 10 to 16 miles per day at elevation. Drop camps or from truck/base but usually a week or more before return to a town. We hunt 8 to 11 k feet! Tough on southern flatlanders! PS --I don't buy the scentlok hype! Sponge bath, shower, wetwipes (1 or 2) per day and wind in your face! Send a PM if you want my equipt list!
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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #34 on: March 29, 2011, 06:04:00 AM »
Check out thrift stores and military surplus stores in your area. I have found Wool sweaters  for as little as $3.00 at thrift stores. Surplus stores have cold weather gear from various countries who have downsized since the cold war ended, Much of this is wool and it is cheap. I have noothing against high tech or high quality hunting clothes, I just cant afford them

Offline 1screagle

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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #35 on: March 29, 2011, 01:05:00 PM »
I thank you all so much for your help. While considering different types and manufacturers I came accross this website for merino wool clothing.  http://www.firstlite.com/

I am listening and hearing lots of great info. Thank you!

Thoughts about this first lite stuff?

Anyone using it?
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Offline JockC

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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #36 on: March 29, 2011, 02:35:00 PM »
First Lite is fantastic.  High grade wool, great pattern, good guys.  All I have are a couple of the zip neck shirts, but they are tops.
TGMM Family of the Bow
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Offline 1screagle

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Re: Help in choosing the right clothing please!
« Reply #37 on: March 30, 2011, 07:33:00 PM »
Any other Firt lite users?
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