About the only way deer populations are judged in IN and KY (the two states I am familiar with)is from harvest stats. Unfortunately, there isn't much of a way to take a census on deer.
Indiana's liberal harvest rules have been in place for many years and we still set records so I don't think that has much impact. I study this all pretty closely and I am convinced our population is still increasing. Every year hunters bemoan lower numbers but every year the harvest stats prove otherwise. Some even believe that DNR is faking the numbers. Go to hoosierhunting.com and see all the posts on deer numbers. You'll see what I mean.
Very, very few deer hunters (less than 1%) in Indiana kill more than 2 deer per year even though, theoretically, if you had a place to hunt in every county, hunted every day of the season and had a deer processing factory, you COULD kill around 400
We have a one buck rule and each county has from 0-8 bonus antlerless tags available.
We still don't have as many big deer as other midwest states because of the timing of our gun hunts. But we have decent numbers. I prefer that over horns anyhow.