Well....to make a very long story short, I experienced an electrical shock, about 4 full seconds, holding the appliance in my right hand, my bow drawing hand. The next 3 days, I couldn't move, bend, hardly even breath on my wrist without excruciating pain. I have a lot of history with pain...11 knee surgeries, I know what pain is. Been a month now, I thought if I nursed it along, it might heal, however, I bought a bow from the classifieds, and shot it. I duct taped my wrist, like you would tape a knee, the wrist hurt pretty good while shooting, but I thought I would "work it out". Wrong, next day, I couldn't bend the wrist at all, right back to square one. My question, anybody out there have similar experiences, any advice. I have made an appointment with a wrist specialist, but in the meantime, I've missed two tournaments, and might not be able to shoot the Texas State Longbow tourny. Rats...Rats...any ideas?