I will hunt with one Wallace Royal or another. I have a pair of 68 inch - 50lb @ 28 inches, I ordered a new 68 inch - 40lb @ 28 inch royal. The new bow will have dirty bamboo cores, and guitar grade curly myrtlewood veneers and riser. I visited Wes's shop and picked out the woods myself. If I am hunting with the 40 lb bow, it will be 45 at my draw length. I have my arrow set up so I can drop the head weight and shoot the same shafts. With the head weight adjustment I can set up to hit the same point of impact at 25 yards with the lighter bow.
I have been fighting a torn up shoulder and will use the lighter bows until I heal up. I figure I will be back to my heavier bows for hunting this year.
I will be shooting a 66 inch - 40lb @ 28 inch mild R/D longbow bow at the Western States Rondevous. BMA and I worked up the bow in his shop a few weeks ago. The handle is a perfect match for my Royals. I like to keep everything the same so I don't have to adjust my shooting from bow to bow.
The new bow we made has action wood limb cores, Tennessee Red Cedar veneer on the face, curly maple veneer on the back, with a blood wood and curly maple riser, with maple and black glass accent stripe.
I plan to put up a post on the bow once we get some sunny weather to get some good photos of it.