Jackson county Michigan...November 5th, 1995.
I had shared permission with my brother in law on a small tract of private land. 20 acres.
I was on the ground in some thick stuff near a deep drainage ditch. Soybeans, and corn EVERYWHERE around us. I could see across a field to a woodlot, and I could actually see another bowhunter in a treestand on the neighborring property.
A doe walks out of the timber right under the bowhunter in the treestand. I actually WATCHED him draw and miss the doe. She bolts and runs straight towards me. Suddenly, a mass of deer hide and antlers busts out of the woodlot, and is following the doe. They are on the beaten path through the soybeans that leads straight to me.
The doe jumps the fence, goes down into the deep ditch and seems to wait for the buck. She is ten yards from me. The buck follows. They come up and filter past me.
Using my Super Diablo, I put my Zwickey tipped arrow through both lungs. When he spun, I could see blood flying. Back down into the ditch, over the fence, and about eighty yards into the field...he goes down. The other "bowhunter" is almost already to "my" deer. To my surprise, he begins screaming that I cannot come onto that property to get my deer, as he continues all the way to the fence. The beans are too tall to see the deer, but I know right where it is. I just can`t go get it. Physically, the "bowhunter" would NEVER be able to stop me from getting my deer, but I decided to use my head and do it the "right" way.
Instead of causing a problem, I decided to call the county sherrif for help. On the phone I was told that I indeed cannot retrieve my deer without the landowners permission. The next day a Conservation officer responded, and I was able to finally get ahold of the landowner and DID get permission. The deer was gone.
That is the ONE shot I wish I could redo, and turn it into the shot that never was.