When I was learning to shoot a bow the old fellow who taught me often said anyone has an excuse to miss once at any given distance but never twice..
The way he taught me was to vary my distance several times during a practice, he often had me walk away from the target and at his command turn and shoot.. We started close and worked our way out beyond 80 yards before it was done.. Like throwing a ball, you look where you want the ball to go and let your brain say how high and how hard to throw it..
We also spent a lot of time walking through the pastures and woods around the area and he would suddenly say, hit that stump or that clump of weeds, etc... and there was no judging yardage or worrying about it, you just raised the bow and flung the arrow. He never let me shoot two arrows from the same spot, if I missed we retreived the arrow and moved on.. But sometime that day he would have me shoot a shot from the same distance at another target.. After a while I rarely missed.. and became a decent shooter..
Today I am working to re-learn that behavior after 15 years of shooting a compound with sights and it isn't something you do over night..