One of my very best friends knows that I've recently got into traditional archery, we still shoot together but he's a wheelie guy, so yesterday his says "hey, wanna shoot some bows this evening?" and of course I said "come on down to the house when you get off work!"
He shows up, and pulls out a Damon Howatt Super Diablo 45#@28 60" recurve that has never even had a string on it! Beautiful! :eek: I asked him where he got it, and guess what, somebody just gave it to him!!!!! This bow was freakin sweet, I take it into the basement, get it strung and it absolutely shoots lasers;(we just connected :D ) I'm talkin my first 3 shots were in a 2" group at 20 yards. I asked him if he wanted to sell it, he says, no looks like it shoots good,
I'll just keep it! Wish I'd have thrown a few crazy shots out there and said, "no wonder somenone gave you this thing, its a piece of crap!" Some people have all the luck.
I bet this bow will set in his closet from now on!!!