Wood arrows are as good or bad as the seller that is doing the sorting, period, end of story. So many people these days are throwing around their biased opinions about woodies these days, that the facts easily get lost. Can you get high quality, straight, matched shafts? Absolutely! They're out there, available from many 1st class vendors. But you won't get them from someone not willing to grade them to a high standard. As for straightness, it doesn't take much practice to tweak a shaft to arrow straight(pun intended). In general, the heavier spines are more dense, and more apt to stay straight. It has nothing to do with the type of wood. You're not going to have a sealed wood shaft in a particular spine be more or less likely to remain straight than an equivalently spined shaft of another material. I've shot plenty of trees, rocks, and other nasty stuff with both fir and cedar without blowing them into toothpicks. Sometimes they do. I shoot 11/32, 80/85 spined cedars and can tell you first hand that they are some tough s.o.b.'s, as are the fir. The raw cedar shafts are 470 grain. You most likely will have an easier time finding fir in weights heavier than cedar on average. My recommendation to anyone wanting to go with woodies, would be to find a reliable source and stick with it. The price of wood shafting has gone up, but what hasn't.